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Monday 15 April 2013

Understanding the Universe (part 3)

Part 3 of 6 part Series of Understanding the Universe..

Equation 3:-     T' = T. sqrt root(1-V^2/C^2)

==>Time dilation:-

Imagine you are in a train & is at stand still position Then suppose if i ask you what is your speed at that moment you will laugh on me since it is zero because it is at rest.
Now let the train starts moving with some velocity & now i ask you what is your speed? then you will say aaha same as the speed of train.
Now suppose you started moving in the train in same direction of trains with some velocity. & then i ask you what is your speed now? you will give answer train speed + my speed. this is true as per your knowledge about speed.
now lets say a passenger is sitting on his seat & you started walking inside the train(at 10kmph) & trains is in motion(100kmph). A person watching you go from outside the train, thinks that your velocity is greater that train (which is 110kmph) but the passenger sitting inside the trains sees that you are only moving with 10KMPH).
Why is it so?
It is because that your speed is relative i.e it depends upon the aspect of what you are measuring it against(w.r.t whom). since Relative to another passenger your speed is slow, but relative to the ground person your speed is fast. This is relativity.

so guys when some one ask you what is your speed then ask him give me the reference for measurements.

let me ask you one question when you are sitting on chair then are at at Rest position (steady, Not moving at all). If you say Yes then think again you might be be sitting on chair which is not moving but earth (where you lives) is not at rest position it is moving at speed of 30 km/sec around the Sun & The whole solar planets are moving around the Black hole which is at center of our Galaxy & our Galaxy itself not steady so how could you be at rest position, think for it!!!!!!!

Before Galileo’s time it may have been known, because motion could always be measured relative to the fixed Earth. But as we learned the Earth moves around the Sun, & this raised an interesting philosophical puzzle. Is there any place or the point against which all speeds can be measured, or is it really the case that speed is always relative? Is there such a thing as absolute speed?

Now let me move you towards Light. In the mid-1800s, physicists came to understand that light was a wave. At the time it was thought that all waves travel through a medium. Sound waves travel through air, water waves travel through water, and so on. That means there must be a medium through which light travels.
Physicists couldn’t observe this medium, but they called it the "luminiferous (light-bearing) ether". There soon started to observe the ether, because the ether was a way to measure absolute speed.

for e.g : If you drop a pebble or stone in a calm water, you can see the ripples flow outward at a particular speed. The ripples flow with the same speed in every direction. But if you were moving in a boat and dropped a pebble into the water, the ripples would seem to move slower in the direction of the boat’s motion, and faster in the opposite direction. Because of the boat’s motion, the speed of the ripples would be different in different directions.
The same would be true with the ether. Since the Earth must be moving through the ether, the speed of light must be different in different directions.
So In 1887, Albert Michelson and Edward Morley performed an experiment to measure this difference in the speed of light. But what they found is really the amazing result which was the one the Best outcomes of an experiment. They found that Speed of light remains same in all the direction no matter what direction light traveled, no matter how they oriented their experiment, the speed of light never changed. hence the concept of ether was failed.
but it directly violating the principle of relativity since the speed is not changing that means for any observer speed is same(whether he is in train or standing outside of train).
Then in 1905 Albert Einstein published a solution to the problem, known as special relativity. He demonstrated that if the speed of light is absolute, then time must be relative, as given in the equation below. It relates the different times of two observers, say you and me.

[since Speed = Distance/Time, if distance is kept constant then if speed is changing time Must slow down
e.d let Dist is 3 lakh km & speed is 300km/s then time required will be 1000 sec
now if the speed is 3 lakh km/s then time required will be 1 sec (i.e Speed ^ time goes down)]

here in the expression, T is your time as you measure it, T’ is your time as I measure it, V is your speed relative to me, and C is the speed of light. What it says is that your time appears slower to me than it does to you. The faster you move relative to me, the slower your time appears to me. This sounds crazy. How can time be relative? It is, however, it is real.

We can see how this works if we imagine a clock made with light. Take two mirrors and place one above the other and facing each other & let us assume that they have inbuilt clock which tick when a pulse of light strikes onto it , then bounce a pulse of light between them. as you are the observer & you are with the setup & you are the reference. so you will see that light is bouncing between two mirrors at same speed (i.e at speed of light) the graph would be a straight line. now let us suppose you are moving with the setup in horizontal line & a person watching you from certain distance so what he will see is pulse move at the speed of light, but from my view the light can’t move straight up and down instead person sees the pulse move diagonally up then diagonally down, which is a slightly longer distance between each bounce. That means it would take the light longer to travel from bounce to bounce. So from my point of view the ticks of your clock are slower than ticks as you see them(i.e person standing outside & watching it)
Your clock appears to be running slow because of your motion relative to me.
The faster you move relative to me, the more your clock will slow down from my point of view.
I know its hard to digest that is why i am linking one video to it so that you get the idea of time relativeness..

there are practicle example that has been found are as follows: -
1. In the CERN LHC (At Jeneva) a huge particle accelerator has been established to study the particles at atomic levels. there it has been observed that collision of a particles when traveling at nearly the speed of light produces its subatomic particles (Pi mesons http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pion) whose life (which is 26 billionths of a second) has been increased by 30%.

2. A GPS determines your location by receiving signals from satellites orbiting the Earth. Those satellites broadcast their time and location, which your GPS uses to determine your position, so it is important that the satellites broadcast the proper time. But the satellites are moving at high speed relative to you, which means their clocks run slightly slow. To give you the accurate time the satellites have to account for that slowdown effect.
This is special relativity.


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